Lust Doll+ (Build 39.1)
Lust Doll+, which i guess is a sequel/remake of Lust Doll, but I have no idea. They are two different games I believe. Might just be the one on a newer engine. Anyways, this is a Patreon/Itchio H-RPGMaler game. Since it is Patreon/Itchio, it is not a complete game, and probably never will be completed, even though its actively being developed. It is not in the developers best interest to finish the game, since people are supporting (re:paying) them to work on it. That being said, there is still enough gameplay that it will take some time to get through all the content.
The plot of the game is that you wake up in some sort of life support tube. Apparently you were made in a lab or something. But something went wrong, and you see the facility is all torn apart and abandoned. That is your character's backstory, which is more or less completely forgotten about for the rest of the game. At that point you just wander around and find NPCs and do random side quests. The important NPCs will have a questline story, which may or may not overlap into other NPC's story. The game is first and foremost a stat building game. You can take odd jobs to build stats, and you can get stat increases in battle depending on the actions you take. Certain scenes unlock depending on stats, of course.
The graphics are relatively simple. The oeverworld is tile based, but there are no sprites. Hell there is not even any graphics on the maps at all, just tiles you can go on/through, and tiles that you can't. You have to use your imagination as to why you can/cannot traverse the area. The game gives context, like "you have entered the forest," so you have an idea of what your supposed to be seeing. Its actually kind of neat in a simplistic way. Sex scenes do have graphics, but the art is not that amazing. It kind of reminds me of old oekaki art. It gets the point across, but its not exactly titillating like a full on CG would be. It should be noted that this game is by western developers, so expect furries and other weird fetishes. Fortunately you can turn off a lot of the fetishes when you start a new game, and you can turn them on/off in the menu as well. Since there graphics are limited, the game is very text based. It reminds me a lot of Corruption of Champions or Trials in Tainted Space. If you don't like reading in a eroge, stay clear of this game. You do get a character portrait, and the bulk of the game's graphics are the customizations you can do for your PC. Multitudes of gear can be purchased and the portrait will reflect everything and anything you wear (or don't wear).
Monsters are randomly encountered, or you can click a button to "search" for a monster to start a battle. Combat is interesting, not your typical RPG Maker borefest, though it can still be tedious as all hell. You have two kinds of attacks, physical and erotic. Physical is your normal slashing/punching/etc for damage, and erotic attacks are basically groping/sexually molesting the enemies. Naturally, the enemies can have physical and erotic attacks as well. If you win with physical attacks, you can still sexually assault the enemy, but you have more options available if you won through erotic attacks. It can get pretty grindy if you want to see all the scenes for every monster.
Overall the game is fairly lengthy for an in development / incomplete game. My save file has 20+ hours on it, and there are things I missed. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a scene viewer, and some scenes are not repeatable. There is a NewGame+, but I never bothered with it. As it is a Patreon/Itchio game, there are bonus scenes that are only available to people who are supporters. The combat system and simplistic overworld are unique and interesting, but the lack of graphics may be a bit jarring and take a while to get used to. As for the art itself, its definitely substandard for an eroge, but it kind of fits the simplistic nature of the game itself. I can't exactly recommend the game, unfortunately. I would suggest giving it a try, but just dropping it if you can't really get into it. The game is available for free on the developer's Itchio page. As of this post, the latest update less than two weeks ago.
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