Meltys Quest

Meltys Quest is another RPGMaker eroge.  The story is the kingdom of Rothstein is invaded by demons.  The demons attack the castle and kidnap 3 of the 4 princesses.  Thankfully because of Princess Meltys gyaru appearance, the demons don't realize she is a princess and don't kidnap her.  Naturally, its up to Meltys to save her sisters.  Theres some weird twists along the way, but without spoiling anything, the sisters are brainwashed into fighting for the demons and Meltys has to beat some sense into them.

For the most part, the characters are fun.  Meltys is kind of an idiot, but she's aware of it.  Princess Ema has a inferiority complex, thinking she'll never be as good as her sisters, and feels like she is letting Meltys down because of it.  Princess Garnet is the gluttonous sex fiend.  Princess Dalia is stern and prideful, with a deep secret she can't let anyone know.  A side character later in the game is the succubus princess who is a huge slut, and anything coming out of her mouth is basically a double entendre.  

As with pretty much all ero RPGMaker games, there is a heavy amount of rape and prostitution.  All bosses have a game-over rape scene, and just kicks you out of the dungeon so you can try again.  Most scenes in the end game involve incest in some way.  There are unavoidable shota scenes.  Theres a bunch of sex stats in the game that contribute to an overall Slut level.  Every sex scene gives you points to whatever stat the sex scene focused on.  Theres a bunch of costumes in the game, and some require you to be more slutty than others.  There is Ero Defense, and Ero Attack but honestly I don't think it really affected anything.  There are a total of 6 endings based on how slutty Meltys gets.  In a New Game+ you can try for the Pure Ending (a special mode of the game actually), which is a slap in the face.  It is by far the least satisfying ending, and not because Meltys doesn't get any action.  Spoiler: She stops being a gyaru in the Pure Ending.  Like what the fuck?  Wasn't the point of the game that she was a Gyaru?  

The art is really good, too bad I can't say that about the actual scenes themselves.  Most of the scenes are kind of lacking, or go too far.  The dialogue is particularly bad.  Most dialogue in the sex scenes is very demeaning to women.  Now, I know I'm playing an eroge, but almost any male encountered in the game is pretty reprehensible.  Theres a few "femdom" scenes which aren't really written much better.  

The battles are standard issue just hold down enter and let it auto attack.  If you try for the Pure Ending, the battles get tedious as fuck since they boosted all the bosses HP, and give them shitty gimmicks.  Its really annoying, and the reward for finishing the game is lackluster (as explained above).  There are skills, and some are useful, but ultimately Meltys doesn't get a lot of mana, so you're better off attacking normally and using her mana to heal when needed.  Outfits gain experience in battle, and when they level up you gain a new skill.

My biggest gripe with the game is the actual dialogue/script.  You might read reviews on Steam praising the English translation.  I have no idea where these people come from.  The english translation is cringeworthy memeshit.  Its just flat out bad.  I was so close to just getting the JP version and text hooking it and using machine translation because it was that bad.  The thing is, the reason people praise the English translation is because when this game came out, the only RPG Maker eroge that were coming out in English were machine translated by a company called Sakura Games (not to be confused with the Sakura <Whatever> VN series).  They were putting out low effort translations like no tomorrow.  Basically they ran the game files through an auto translator, and repacked the game with absolutely no QC.  This basically made RPG Maker eroge games synonymous with horrible translations.  Then came Meltys Quest, a "professionally" translated RPG Maker eroge.  So in comparison to Sakura Games translation its stellar as all hell.  Too bad the substance is still crap.  You get shit like this that totally ruins the flow of the game:

Another criticism I have is the token lesbian character, who gets no lesbian scenes.  "Oh if you really love me, you have to have straight sex to prove it."  Really?  Fuck you game.  And of course she ends up loving straight sex, so she's no longer lesbian.  Another slap in the face.

Overall, the game is worth playing.  I just wish the translation was better with less immersion breaking cringeworthy memeshit.  To get all ending, it took me just under 30 hours.  One play through is about 4-5 hours.  The art is really good, though some of the sex scenes are kind of gross (old men).  The characters are good and fun.  Its not the best RPG Maker eroge like some people seem to believe, far from it in my honest opinion, but its still a decent game.


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