Bikini Armour Explorers

A silly title for a rather silly game.  Bikini Armour Explorers is a game about bikini armored warriors on a quest to get custom bikini armor.  Thats really all there is to it.  However, theres a lot of misadventures along the way, many of which, of course, involve sex.

First and foremost, the characters are what make this game shine.  All the girls are mostly pure/innocent/naive.  Pienetta, the main character, just wants to have fun on an adventure with her friends and find new bikini armor.  Prisstea is like a cleric I guess, though her strength in battle kind of makes me question that.  She's super naive and clumsy.  Most of the rape scenes involve her.  Paplica is a horny slut, the only one not purely innocent.  She likes vegetable a little too much if you get my meaning, and likes to give the vegetables to Pienetta when she's done with them.  Finally the loli, Poanna.  She's the pure innocent one, and gets scared easily.  She's so innocent she gets taken advantage of by men quite often. 

The art is unique.  Upside you get cute girls.  Downside, every male in the game is an Ugly Bastard.  Fortunately for most sex scenes, the male is more or less grayed out, and the girls are front and center.  Theres quite a few scenes, most of which are completely option.  You get the usual game-over-rape on bosses, but you also have events in town by talking to various townspeople.  Theres a lot of peeing scenes, but they are all basically the same thing over and over.  

Gameplay wise, this is another RPG Maker game, and the battles are pretty substandard.  Just hold the enter key and auto attack everything.  Boses may need some strategy but most of them can even be killed auto attacking.  Most (not all) boss fights will have a game-over-rape scene, some of which really result in game overs, while others have humorous affects.  In one scene in particular, one of the girls is getting raped by a slug, but she pees when she orgasms, and the salty pee scares off the slug.

The humor of the game is consistent.  The characters play off each other perfectly.  Some of the situations and jokes are can get absurd.  Theres a beach and the irony that the girls are all wearing *bikini* armor, but need to find swimsuits to go into the water.  Another instane the girls have to find a dragon, and the world map position is called Honolee, so in effect, Buff the horny dragon lived by the sea, and got fellated by the main cast in the land called Honolee.

Overall, Bikini Armour Explorers is a good RPG Maker eroge, but not without its flaws.  The art is good, and the world is very colorful, but beware of the Ugly Bastards around every corner.  The game is on the longer side.  It took me a little under 19 hours, but I did a lot of unnecessary backtracking.  You can probably finish it in about 15 hours probably.  I would recommend this game.


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