Venus Hostage

Venus Hostage is a commercial game developed by a team of Russian programmers.  The game is in English.

Notable Sexual Content: Semi-BDSM

You play the role of Jack who gets a chat message on his computer from a girl asking him to meet her in person.  He agrees and after a little tutorial/puzzle-solving he meets with the girl named Mila.  She takes him to her friend's apartment. Fortunately said friend is out of town, so they get to get their freak on and have sex.  During the afterglow, I guess they both fall asleep, a man in a mask comes in wielding a baseball bat and takes both of them hostage.  Jack wakes up in a room with a VCR and a tape, he plays the tape to see a woman instruct him on whats going to happen.  Basically she runs a snuff/porn website, and he and Mila are now targets for the films.  Now Jack has to escape and save Mila and put an end to the snuff/porn empire.

The game isn't too long, maybe 3-4 hours?  I played it awhile back so I don't remember exactly.  The game plays in first person and has a very strong Half Life 2 feel, although the puzzles aren't half as complex.  There were a few points where I was facepalming because I tried making things harder than they had to be.  Sometimes its not exactly clear what you are supposed to be doing, or where you are supposed to be going.  At one point you have some weird hook thing that your supposed to use to pull down a ladder.  The problem is the area is dark as hell and the ladder is all but invisible unless you are looking straight at it, so I was wandering around for like 5-10 minutes in this one area trying to figure out what I was supposed to do.  With that exception, the game is pretty easy to figure out.  There is a very primitive FPS section, which is kind of thrown in for no good reason.  The gun feels really awkward to use, but fortunately theres like only a few bad guys to shoot so it doesn't last long.

There's not too much sex in the game.  Its more kind of like a first person puzzle game with graphic sex thrown in.  The sex scenes are short, and involves the 3D models of the characters.  They're not exactly bad, but not Illusion quality either.  If I remember right, there are only like 2-3 sex scenes.  The scenes are voiced, but the voice acting in the game is sub-par.  There are 6 collectible erotic pictures you can find, however I could only find 4 of them after playing the game twice, and I didn't care enough to play again to find the last one.

In the end, its not the best game out there, but its short.  Most reviews and such try to say the game is terrible, but thats cause they're all "Its a porn game, so I have to make a scathing review for it" much like the people that review hentai anime giving low scores because their embarrassed they liked it.  Its not even a porn game, in my opinion.  Though the voice acting does sound really bad, but thats more or less an issue most indie companies have.  Besides the game was developed in Russia, how good do you think the English is going to be?  The 3D models could definitely use some work.  The clothes look painted on, rather than modelled.  But all-in-all its a short romp of a game, and while I don't think its worth the $10 price tag, its not  as bad as most "reviews" will tell you. Check it out if you have a few hours to kill.


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